Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Most Influential People in History

There are millions of people in this world today and out of these several have gone to their graves doing nothing while several, even after thousands of years of their death are still alive in the hearts of people. These people have made a place for themselves in this world through their thought processes, through their teachings and through their works. With their works, ideas, inventions, political activities, discoveries and so on, they have changed the thought process of their country and countrymen. There are so many famous people, whose name pops up when we talk about the most influential people in history - Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, Jesus Christ, George Washington and many more. Given below are the names of the of the 10 most influential people in history and also what they were famous for.

Top 10 Most Influential People in History

Here is a list of the 10 most influential people in the world and also a brief description of how their works had influenced not only the people of their country but of the whole world.

Top 10 Influential People in the World
Gautama Buddha (563 BC - 479 BC) He was the founder of Buddhism and also a spiritual leader from India. He had attained Enlightenment under the banyan tree and spend the rest of his life sharing his faiths and beliefs with all.
Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) He was a Chinese philosopher and he was the one who founded the philosophy of Confucianism.
Jesus Christ (5 BC - 30 AD) As you all know, he was the founder of Christianity and he taught about love and acceptance.
St. Paul (5 AD - 67 AD) He was one of the most important and influential Christian after Christ himself. He had also written several Epistles in the New Testament
Cai Lun (50 - 121) He is known as the inventor of paper, a very important invention in the history of mankind.
Prophet Muhammad (570 - 632) Muhammad is know as the founder of Islam. He was also considered to be the last Prophet as well as the messenger of God.
Johannes Gutenberg (1398 - 1468) He is known for the invention of the Printing Press.
Sir Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) He was an English physicist, a mathematician, an alchemist and also a theologian. He is mainly known for his law of gravitational pull and also the three laws of motion.
Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506) He was the one who discovered the continents of America.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) He is known for his theory of relativity and mass energy equivalence (E=mc2).

Let us now see some of the other most famous people in the world who had made a name in history through their works and ideas.

Most Influential People in the World

    * Louis Pasteur
    * Aristotle
    * Moses
    * Charles Darwin
    * Nicholas Copernicus
    * Plato
    * Benjamin Franklin
    * Leonardo da Vinci
    * Galileo Galilei
    * Shih Huang Ti
    * Augustus Caesar
    * Euclid Platonism
    * Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
    * Constantine
    * James Watt
    * George Washington
    * Adam Smith
    * Orville and Wilbur Wright
    * Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
    * Sigmund Freud
    * Alexander the Great
    * Napoleon Bonaparte
    * Lenin
    * Genghis Khan
    * Oliver Cromwell
    * Thomas Edison
    * James Clerk Maxwell
    * William Shakespeare
    * Adolf Hitler
    * Ludwig van Beethoven
    * Werner Heisenberg
    * Alexander Graham Bell
    * Rene Descartes
    * Louis Daguerre
    * Simon Bolivar
    * Michelangelo
    * Pope Urban II
    * Asoka
    * Abraham Lincoln
    * Mohandas Gandhi
    * Martin Luther King Junior


    * Alexander Fleming
    * Michelangelo
    * Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
    * St. Augustine
    * John Calvin
    * William Harvey
    * Henry Ford
    * Nikolaus August Otto
    * Joseph Stalin
    * Hernando Cortes
    * Queen Isabella I
    * William the Conqueror
    * Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    * Edward Jenner
    * Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen
    * Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    * Henry David Thoreau
    * Mark Twain
    * Gregor Mendel
    * Woodrow Wilson
    * Mikhail Gorbachev
    * Nelson Mandela
    * Winston Churchill
    * Pablo Picasso
    * Marie Curie
    * Benito Mussolini
    * Stephen Hawking
    * Nicoli Machiavelli
    * Mahavira
    * Julius Caesar
    * Guglielmo Marconi
    * Bill Gates
    * John F.Kennedy
    * St. Joan of Arc
    * Thomas Jefferson
    * Mother Teresa
    * Mao Zedong
    * Zoroaster Zoroastrianism
    * President Barack Obama
    * Helen Keller
    * Lao Tzu

These were some of the most influential people in the history of the world. You can also check who were some of the most influential people in American history. These people, although have been dead for years, still continue to occupy a major space in our hearts (it might be either for their good deeds or bad deeds). There are some people whose name I have not mentioned, but they too occupy a major place in the world history and they too have made a name for themselves in this world. But since it's not possible to mention each and every influential people, I have mentioned only a few of the important ones.

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